This Darth Talon Cosplay Will Slay You


Posted May 6, 2016 by

One of my personal favorite species in the Star Wars universe are Twi’Leks.  They have a unique appearance, with long, thick tentacles protruding from their skulls.  One of the most well-known Twi’Leks in Star Wars is Darth Talon, an assassin and Syth Lady who is embroidered with dark tattoos.


All That’s Cosplay might just have a bit of an obsession with Morgana Cosplay.  She is constantly putting out incredible cosplay images of some of our favorite characters, ranging from video games, comic books, anime, and movies.  Her Darth Talon cosplay is just as astounding as her previous work, and we can’t wait to see what she has planned for us next!



Photography by Jose Manchado



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