Fem-Thresh Cosplay Will Steal Your Heart as well as Your Soul


Posted December 16, 2014 by

thresh-cosplay-1Photography by Mike Medereos

Tales of Thresh are filled with grisly torture, unimaginable terror, and finally insanity. Relishing breaking his victim’s minds before taking their soul, his grim visage is enough to send you feeling in fear. Once a prison warden known for his use of chains in pleasurably inflicting pain upon his prisoners, his death led to the creation of Thresh. Now, death is just the beginning for him and for his victims. Keeping their souls in his lantern, he continues to push them farther into insanity even after their bodies have long decomposed.


PrettyWreck Cosplay’s take on the Chain Warden is sexy yet still frightening. Wearing the pair of keys as a necklace she holds onto her lantern which has the padlock. In a lacy black leotard and green jacket, the color scheme is perfect. The horns coming from the top of her mask are amazing. She wields her hook, Thresh’s way of ensuring death to his target. The whole piece is a stunning take on the frightful specter.



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