Janna Cosplay is an Airy Beauty


Posted April 3, 2015 by

The sorceress Janna, nicknamed the Storm’s Fury, learned much about the world while growing up on the streets of the city-state Zaun. It is no surprise then, that Janna developed a knack for a certain type of magic due to its prevalence within the city walls. Janna’s particular magic is derived from the more primal powers of nature, which differs greatly from the art of more refined forms of magic. The majority of Janna’s childhood was spent making whatever small living on the streets that she was able to, and her wits and quick hand when it came to stealing were her saving graces. Janna’s particular magical affinity is for the element of air, and within mere months of studying she had completely mastered it and took to it without any difficulty. This beautiful support mage lends her ethereal talents to the League in a combination of grace and airy destruction.


Akina Gasai is able to effortlessly capture Janna’s otherworldly beauty that resulted from her rapid success in rising through the ranks of elemental study. A mistress of the air and its lofty splendor, she effortlessly floats above in Earth. She has called to her command her chosen element as she poses with her skirts billowing out around her in a show of legendary power. With her staff in hand and crown on her head she can wield her power well.



Photography by drDir




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Kris Kittie

Kris Kittie