The Last of Us’ Epic Duo Joel and Ellie Are Zombie Killin’ Machines in this Cosplay


Posted July 31, 2014 by

There’s no denying that killing zombies has become a past time of multiple people. Whether that be living vicariously through Rick and the crew on The Walking Dead, picking up a controller to play a handful of the zombie centric titles that are out, or by watching movies such as Warm Bodies, Zombieland or Resident Evil. However one decides to get their zombie on, there’s no denying that the love of zombies and the fan base around them has rapidly increased. The masses seem to be banking on society’s love for walkers, though some of them are doing it better than others.


The Last of Us was a zombie, survival horror title that dropped last year – recently reaching its one year anniversary. Gamers were instantly taken with the characters and story, so much so that the love for the title still flourishes today, Naughty Dog deciding to release The Last of Us on the PlayStation 4 later this month. Joel and and Ellie set a precedent for characters, both being strong individuals who had seen hard times and persevered through them. It doesn’t take a genius to assume why one might want to cosplay as such individals, allowing themselves to get sucked into the post-apocalyptic world.


That’s exactly what Mike Templeton and Lady Shepard did! The two masterfully took characters Joel and Ellie, and put them into a real life setting – allowing the two to beautifully come to life. Teaming up with one of our favorite photographers, Saffels Photography, the trio have created images that are absolutely astonishing.  In doing so, the two cosplayers have earned high praises from us here at All That’s Epic and are easily two of the best Joel and Ellie we have seen to date.




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