This Snowstorm Sivir Cosplay Gives us Chills


Posted April 16, 2015 by

Photography by WhiteDesertSun


Sivir is a playable champion in the ever popular online game League of Legends. She is a battle mistress in the field, she can easily boomerang her big weapon in order to take out enemies. Skins are bought by players for their champions, and they are a very popular part of the game. This skin however, is Snowstorm Sivir, meaning she throws around a giant snowflake in order to fight. She is sexy and strong as no enemy could stand on her way in this winters abyss. Just try to stop her.

sivir-cosplay-2Photography by Martin Wong

This cosplay by Lindsay Elyse is beautiful. It perfectly captures the beauty and strength that is Snowstorm Sivir. She looks just like the warrior in the heart of the battle, with her hair perfectly in place. That snowflake alone looks perfect, but put with the whole Cosplay and it takes it to the next level. This cosplay is amazingly epic.



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