Splatoon Is Getting A Brand New Map “Soon”

The Splatoon train just keeps on chugging along. After a Christmas Day update added a sweet new weapon, we now have news that a new stage will be coming to the game soon.

How soon you ask? Well, depending on your time zone, it’ll be made available either tonight or tomorrow. The new map in question is called Piranha Pit, and sees squids and kids shooting ink in a rock quarry surrounded by water. Players are required to not only shoot the ground, but also the walls to travel up as well, as the stage boasts quite a few vertical platforms to cover. If it looks familiar, that’s probably because this map was first shown off earlier this month, alongside another future map called Ancho-V Games, which takes place in a giant office.

Splatoon is available now exclusively for the Wii U. Like previous updates to the game, this new course is free to download when it goes live tonight or tomorrow morning if you live in Europe.








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