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Far Cry 4 Kyrat Edition Includes Abundance of Goodies!


Posted July 3, 2014 by

Far Cry 4 will be getting its very own collector’s edition, though it isn’t specifically called that. Rather, it’s called the Kyrat Edition, a name of the setting in the game. It comes with quite a few goodies, and even more if you pre-order. Since this is a collector’s edition, first and most obviously, it will include a collector’s box, which will have all the extra stuff in it, including the game itself. Naturally it has a logo of an elephant on it. Elephants are going to get quite popular when this game comes out.

So what’s inside the box? The most eye-catching might be the statue of Pagan Min, the game’s eccentric antagonist. A propaganda poster is in there, perfect for making your room feel more like Kyrat, if that’s what you wanted. The guy on the poster itself certainly seems happy about it. Then we have the travel journal and map of Kyrat. The map is more for collecting purposes, while the journal you can use however you please. As mentioned, more stuff will come if you pre-order this edition. Pre-ordering gets you DLC that has three single player missions involving the character Hurk, and a wonderfully deadly harpoon gun. You can buy and pre-order the Kyrat Edition of Far Cry 4 for all of its available platforms: PC, PS4, PS3, Xbox One, and Xbox 360. It’ll run you $129.99.



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