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Blacklight: Retribution Confirmed for PS4 Release!


Posted March 26, 2013 by


The notorious Free-to-Play First Person Shooter by Zombie Studios has been confirmed for the PS4, merely a year after it’s release on the PC. With currently 2 million players enjoying time in the futuristic world, its about time Blacklight: Retribution was brought to console gamers.

Boasting countless methods of weapon customisation, character customisation, 10 (soon to be 13) extensive maps to battle in, a range of battle modes to choose from including Survival Co-Op. DeathMatch, Team DeathMatch, Kill Confirmed, Capture the Flag, Netwar, and Onslaught, not to mention Hyper Reality Visors (HRV) that have technology to see through buildings and other obstacles allowing players to scour the entire map for opponents and co-ordinate attacks with team mates.

Another unique feature offered by the game that has boosted it’s success are Hardsuits, massive mech that are incredibly tough and can sent out into the battlefield, and, if well piloted, can be the difference between victory and defeat. Big mech requires big guns to bring it down, and there’s no short supply of weapons when it comes to this game, from flamethrowers, Stinger missile launchers through to the ultimate Railgun. Not forgetting small arms such as machine guns that can be expertly customised in various ways including the gun’s camo, muzzle, barrel, scope, magazine and weapon tag, to name but a few.

If you weren’t already anticipating the release of the PS4, there’s more reason than ever now with this title and others like it being confirmed.



Written by Guest Contributor: Silly Rabbit

Source: PlayStation.Blog

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