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The Most Cringe-Worthy Star Wars Scenes


Posted February 9, 2015 by

Episode II – Anakin Complaining

I actually don’t think that Hayden Christensen did a terrible job in Episode III. Episode II, however, is a different story. His delivery is static, emotionless, and cold. How can audiences feel that Anakin and Padmé’s love story is even close to believable when Anakin seems so disinterested in her? And I just don’t understand how Padmé, who was a queen, could fall in love with someone so infantile. And there isn’t just one bad scene. We’re talking about the fireplace scene, the scene in the fields of Naboo, the balcony scene, the scenes where Anakin complains about Obi-Wan, every time he says, “it’s not fair!” and the list goes on. Luckily, Christensen hones his acting skills a bit more by the time Episode III rolls around.

Next: Run, Han!

JD Schmidt

JD Schmidt