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The Most Cringe-Worthy Star Wars Scenes


Posted February 9, 2015 by

Episode I: Any scene with Jar Jar Binks

Often regarded as the worst character in the entire series, Jar Jar Binks has been annoying audiences for years. He is not completely useless, as he does help Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon get across Naboo to rescue Queen Amidala, but his usefulness pretty much ends there. For the rest of the movie, Jar Jar is loud and obnoxious, and fills every spare moment with irritating remarks. He’s kind of like that guy that everybody knows who always has to have the last word in a conversation, whether it’s applicable or not.

It seems like Jar Jar was essentially created for the kids, and to sell toys. And the kids probably like him, and probably ask their parents for Jar Jar toys. So, mission accomplished. That’s all well and good, but really, a children’s character has no business hogging up as much screen time as Jar Jar does.

What scenes in Star Wars make you cringe the most? Which scenes do you skip? Let us know in the comments!

 -By Guest Contributor Dallin Schmidt

JD Schmidt

JD Schmidt