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The Most Cringe-Worthy Star Wars Scenes


Posted February 9, 2015 by

Episode IV: Run, Han!

This is another funny scene that takes place during the Death Star rescue scene. As Luke, Leia, Han, and Chewy turn a corner, they run into a whole army of stormtroopers. You’d think they’d just open fire, or turn and run, right? Well you’d be wrong. Because Han just charges into the group of enemies, yelling and screaming like a maniac, probably to buy time for Luke and Leia to get away. That’s pretty heroic, and that’s not the problem. The problem is that there is really no logical reason for the stormtroopers to turn and run, but they do, and it makes no sense. It’s just one guy! Just turn around and shoot him!

As weird as the stormtroopers’ reaction is, I actually love this scene. It’s a classic, and is always good for a laugh. Run on, Han, run on.

Next: “Now this is podracing!”

JD Schmidt

JD Schmidt